Fri. Jan 24th, 2025

The bond you form with your dog will be unique and special, and even though they can’t speak our language, we can soon tell when something isn’t quite right with our furry friend. Stomach issues can be a common problem in many dogs and it is not breed specific. Many owners look past the signs of an unsuitable diet, but a sensitive stomach can make your dog feel uncomfortable and can leave unwanted messes and smells around the home. If you think that something isn’t quite right with your dog’s stomach, here are 5 signs your dog has a sensitive digestive system.

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Loose Stools

Intermittent loose stools and diarrhea is a common symptom of a sensitive digestive system in dogs. You will notice this problem whenever anything in their diet changes. If it is occurring on a continuous basis, then it could be due to their diet. Loose stool and diarrhea can lead to dehydration. If you notice weight loss or symptoms persist, then you should seek veterinary attention as soon as possible.

Excessive Wind

You may have heard the words dogs and iron stomachs in the same sentence. Some dogs can eat anything and you wouldn’t even notice, whereas others eat a beef treat instead of chicken and the whole house fills with the stench of rotting guts. If your dog is experiencing excessive wind on a daily basis, then this is a sign that he/she has a sensitive digestive system and needs a new, gentle diet.  

Nauseous Behavior

Your pooch can’t tell you if they are experiencing nausea, so if you think that your dog has a sensitive stomach, then you should keep a look out for nauseous behavior. Common signs to look out for are excessive swallowing and lip licking, not eating their food and being reluctant to go on a walk. If you notice your dog has been sick, then you should speak to your vet for advice.

Itchy Skin

A common sign that your dog has a sensitive digestive system is dry, red itchy skin and hair loss. A lot of owners don’t usually relate this symptom to their pet’s diet and will look for methods to soothe the skin instead. However, one of the most effective ways to treat itchy skin is to change your dog’s diet. A hypoallergenic and/or grain free diet is a great place to start. This will benefit them in more areas than their skin.

Tear Stains

If you have a white or light-colored pet, you may notice reddish-brown marks on their face, usually around the eyes. These marks are called tear stains. Tear stains can be a sign that your dog has irritated skin, which could be linked to dietary sensitivity. While there are products out there to help you remove tear stains, changing your dog’s diet may be the best method of prevention. 

Monitoring your pet’s diet is the best way to control the symptoms of your canine companion’s sensitive stomach. Some of the above symptoms could be a sign of a more serious issue, so make sure you speak to a vet for the most reliable advice, diagnosis and treatment.
