Fri. Jan 24th, 2025

When you go to the pound or a pet store, you may be dreaming of a sweet dog who sleeps with you all night and follows you around all day. What actually happens could be completely different. No matter what happens it is now your responsibility to make sure the dog is cared for, and the following article will show you how to go about doing that.

Owning a dog takes a bit of money. When you add up the medical care, food and supplies in general, your costs could run from $700-$1000 annually. Getting emergency care from the vet is costly, so you may need to take a look at health insurance for your pet.

Make sure your home is dog-proof. Take the time to tour your home with an eye for safety before you introduce your dog to your home. Make sure all of the medicine is put away and the cleaning supplies are up and safe. Many common types of house plants can be toxic, so it pays to eliminate or move them.

Be wary about certain flea treatments to use for your dog. Lots of treatments contain things that can be harmful to kids. Speak with your vet to see if there are any alternatives that are healthier choices for your pet and your family.

Table Scraps

Don’t give table scraps to your dog. This will make him want human food every time you have a meal. You might be wrecking your dog’s health by giving him table scraps. Keep the dog away from your table when you eat to avoid any temptation on both parts.

Talk to the vet about which foods you should avoid giving the dog. Depending on the type and age of dog, if you purchase the wrong kind of food it may upset their stomach. You should be careful when you are feeding your dog.

Let your lifestyle determine what breed of dog you should bring into your home. If you are a hunter for example, perhaps a retriever is the dog for you. Also, if you like to stay at home, find small dogs that prefer sitting on laps and being stroked. Don’t get a dog that you don’t fit in with if you can avoid that.

Don’t get your dog food based on how cheap it is. Cheap brands usually contain ingredients that can be harmful to the health of your dog. Find an advocacy group that can provide you with a list of vet recommended foods. Your dog will enjoy and benefit much more from healthier food.

If you get your dog from the pound, make sure you have a vet check him out right away. Dogs from shelters might have been exposed to viruses or might already be sick. It’s smart to ensure your dog has all shots necessary before you take him home.

Schedule a vet appointment for the new dog. This should be one of the first things that you attend to when you’re bringing home a new pet. In addition to giving your dog a check up, the vet will schedule vaccinations. Remember that there is a tremendous dog overpopulation problem, so you should have your dog spayed/neutered.

Providing foster care for a homeless dog can be a great way to see if you are suited to care for a dog. There are plenty of animals sitting in homeless shelters who desperately need a home due to over-crowding and limited shelter resources. Fostering a dog will both help the cause and allow you to test drive the responsibility involved with pet ownership.

If you only have one dog and they aren’t happy or can’t handle being alone a lot, consider getting them a companion. Dogs come from packs, so it’s in their nature to prefer spending time with a member of their own species. Get dogs of similar energy levels and temperaments for the best results.

Dogs paws can be damaged by walking through areas that are rife with debris and broken glass. Small cuts can be treated by washing, flushing with hydrogen peroxide and bandaging. If the cut seems unusually deep, take your dog to see the veterinarian.

If your dog has an accident indoors, be certain you get rid of any sign of it. You must make use of an effective cleaner and a strong odor remover. Your dog may do his business in the exact same area if his scent from the excrement lingers.

When it becomes hot, do tick and flea inspections. Try using a flea comb to remove any fleas that you find. If the infestation is bad, there are treatments available. Your veterinarian should be able to advise you on your best options.

When you select food for your dog, do so with care. There are quite a few different types of food out there but you have to get one that works with your dog’s size and age. You might think that you can save money by feeding your dog table scraps, but this is very unhealthy.

Sometimes we think it’s okay to feed our pups some of what we are eating. You can do this with some foods, but not all. Onions, garlic and chocolate are just a few foods which are intolerable to dogs. If your dog eats these foods, it could be detrimental to his health.

Don’t try to make your dog too many things at once. He can’t attend to tasks as long as you are able to. Keep training sessions short, especially at first. This prevents both of you from getting frustrated and keeps the training fun.

Make sure that you use the tips and advice from above. Use it so that your dog can be all you wish him to be. The happiest dog will make for the happiest owner.
