Fri. Jan 24th, 2025

It is important to give your cat the attention and care it deserves. Cats require different grooming techniques than dogs. You have to provide extra attention in making sure they are clean and looking good. Consider this article when it is time to groom your feline friend.

Good grooming is important for cats. You should comb and/or brush them on a regular basis. This can keep them clean. Doing this will also help alleviate hairballs and excessive shedding. Keeping a cat well groomed basically helps keep them looking their best, along with your home.

Regular vet checkups for your cat are very important. Cats need special shots to keep them from getting sick, and the veterinarian will check your cats overall health. Always use the same veterinarian if possible. You won’t have to worry that the vet won’t have all of your cat’s medical records.

Spray bitter apple on electrical cords to keep cats away from them. If they like to chew on cords, try covering them as much as you can. If you have any loose cords around your home, try stuffing them into a used paper towel roll. Electronics with thin cords must be put out of reach when they aren’t being used.

You will often find ways to save money on medication for your cat on the Internet instead of getting it from your vet. Sometimes you might not have time to wait for an online order to arrive however, such as if your cat needs an immediate antibiotic or emergency treatment. But if you have to regularly buy pet medicine, you can save 50% or more on some medicines by buying online.

Do you happen to own both a dog and a cat? Keep in mind that the two animals have separate dietary needs, and dogs will try cat food if given the chance. You should create a feeding space for the cat that is much too high for a dog to get to. This will also prevent squabbles between them.

Litter Box

Don’t try and teach your kitty how the litter box is supposed to be used. Using the litter box will come naturally to your cat. You may have heard that rubbing your cat;s paws in litter will help them learn, but that may have a traumatizing effect.

Feed your cat high-quality cat food. Pay attention to the ingredient list on any food you feed them. Protein needs to be one of the very first items on the list, while fillers like corn and other grains should be avoided. Steer clear of food made primarily of corn and fillers. Cats are meant to eat meat, and that means that they need to have foods that are high in protein.

There are certain foods that you might eat everyday that are not healthy for your cat. These foods include grapes, onions green tomatoes and garlic. These foods will cause indigestion or much worse for your cat. Milk can too. It can give your cat stomach pains.

Pet cats should not be allowed to spend time outdoors or away from its home for long periods of time. Studies have shown that cats that live outdoors tend to have shorter lives than cats that stay indoors. Going outside may give your pet some exercise, but the risk of disease or injury outweighs that benefit.

Don’t give a cat human medications. If your cat is ill, you need to take him to the vet to get proper treatment. You could unintentionally kill your beloved pet if you use medications designed for humans.

Any difference in the environment of your home is easily detected by the keen sense of smell that your cat possesses. This is why it is sometimes difficult to get them to use something new, like a bowl or cat toy. Don’t be upset if the cat does not take to these items immediately. As the new items starts to smell like your house, your cat may give it a try.

You want to be watchful regarding panting. Panting is normal behavior for a dog, but that is not always the case for cats. Panting can be an indicator of health problems in your cat. Talk to a vet right away when panting persists.

Feed your cat as much dry food as you can. As kittens, cats require wet food because of their tiny teeth. As the adult teeth grow in, hard food can help to clean and strengthen the teeth. Try also mixing together dry and wet food if you’ve got a picky cat.

Don’t feed your cat too much since this may cause them to acquire health issues later on. It can lead to obesity, diabetes and other health related problems. Carefully monitor your cat’s portions to make sure they eat a balanced diet.

Check your home for openings that a cat could slip through. Cats are able to fit through gaps that are very small. Kittens are especially vulnerable. Be especially careful about this if you’re bringing a cat home for the first time. Cover or repair large holes you see.

Bringing another pet into the home can end up initially upsetting your cat. To avoid the stress and possible altercations, separate the animals for a period of time. Allow your cat to get familiar with the new smell. Shortly thereafter, you can gradually allow the two animals to spend a little time together.

Keep an eye on your cats when your Christmas tree is up. It may see that tree and climb it. That can be a big problem. Keep the cat away from your tree, avoid electric lights and make sure your cat does not try eating some ornaments.

A well-cared-for cat is a happy cat. As a cat owner, it’s your job to ensure your pet looks and feels healthy. Anything you do to groom it, the cat will appreciate. This article has hopefully taught you how to properly groom your cat.
