Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

Cats are creatures that love fun and can help you lose track of your time if they play games with you. To distract them from you for awhile, give them a new game or toy. Money isn’t something that you need to have a good time with your feline friend. Do as this article suggests and things will run smoother with your feline friend.

Move any drape cords out of a cat’s reach. Whenever cats jump on these cords, they might get tangled up in them. They could be seriously hurt or even killed. Hang your drapery cords out of your cats’ sight to avoid this.

Cats need a certain amount of grooming to stay healthy and presentable. Regular combing and brushing is usually all that is required. This will keep them sterile and aesthetically pleasing. Also, this can eliminate the constant shedding that you will deal with. In order to keep shed hair down to a minimum, plus have a beautiful cat, you must groom your cat regularly.

Check-ups are an absolute must for any pet cat. Cats require special shots to prevent illness and the vet can check their overall health. It is best to always take your cat to the same veterinarian. They will understand your cat and its issues better this way.

Keep your older cat comfortable by placing a heated tile underneath its bed. Bake a one-foot tile made from terra cotta in the oven at 200 degrees F for around 15 to 20 minutes. Wrap this in a towel that’s old and then place it under the bed the cat sleeps on. Switch towels every few hours if you need to.

Most cats prefer to be mostly nocturnal. Do not be surprised if your cat is very active at night. If your cats keep you up at night, kick them out of the bedroom. This way, they can’t disturb you while you sleep.

The litter box for your cat needs to be in a good location. Do not place it in a busy area or close to where your cat eats meals. Put it in a ventilated area to reduce odors. Both you and your pet will appreciate that.

Give your cat plenty of love and affection. They usually offer us warm companionship, and they require the same. Like people, cats like to socialize and need to feel like they’re an essential part of your life. They want to know they are a valuable part of the family too.

Keep smaller children away from pets as they are typically too aggressive. Make sure your kids understand how cats should be handled. The objective is to be as gentle as possible with your cat. A cat’s bones are not as strong as a dogs, and they should be treated more gently.

Reconsider outside time for your cat. This can put your cat in an unsafe position. It takes mere minutes for your cats to pick up fleas, be bitten by a tick or something far worse. Cars, people, or animals could hurt your beloved pet. Cage in an area for a cat in your backyard if they must go outside.

Cats feel safest in an elevated location. Make sure your cat has a safe place to play. If you can’t afford a cat tree, give the cat an empty shelf of his own. Put a blanket on it so they can rest peacefully.

You should not train your cat to use a litter box. This comes quite naturally to them and is not something that is learned. Many people believe that taking your cat to the box and rubbing their paws in the litter is a good idea, but it may actually traumatize them.

Litter Box

Pay attention to your cat’s litter box habits. If it stops using the box, medical problems could be to blame. If your cat refuses to use its litter box, there may be an underlying health concern. For example, the behavior may be caused by an infection of the kidneys or bladder. Contact your veterinarian if your pet abandons its litter box.

Dogs wag their tails frequently when they are happy or excited to see their owners. Cats move their tails too, but it’s not for the same reason. A cat wags its tail when it is upset. If you notice you cat begin to wag his tail when you are holding him, put him down to be sure you are not scratched or swatted.

Avoid any products containing phenol around your cats. This chemical is present in many household cleaners, such as Pine-Sol and Lysol. The smell is pretty offensive to cats, and prolonged exposure can lead to liver damage.

A cat that is declawed should never spend time being outside. Since the cat is not able to adequately defend himself from attack, there is a risk of serious injury. Indoor cats are the only ones that you should declaw. Even then, you should only have the front claws removed. Leaving the back claws are important so that your cat can scratch themselves.

Cats have a great sense of smell, which allows them to be more perceptive. This can cause a problem when trying to introduce a new bed, scratching post, or food dish. Don’t fret if your cat doesn’t use the items right away. As the item takes assimilates the smell of his home, it will become acceptable to your cat.

If hairballs are a problem that brushing won’t solve, there are some other things you can try. Consider mixing a little pumpkin into your cat’s food. In addition to the pumpkin, try one teaspoon of water from a can of tuna. Anti-hairball foods are available commercially as well.

You may be find that your cat likes such games. The more you know about caring for your cat, the healthier and happier it will be. Take care of your cat, and your cat will reward you in so many ways.
