Selecting the Right Dog Breed for Apartment Living

Living in an apartment is not a barrier to enjoying the companionship of a furry friend. The trick lies in choosing the right breed that meshes with your lifestyle and accommodates your living conditions. Picking a suitable dog breed for apartment living requires careful consideration of various factors – from the breed’s size and energy levels to its noise tendencies and adaptability to confined spaces. 

Choosing the Right Breed

Size Doesn’t Always Equal Suitability

A common misconception is that small dog breeds are automatically suited for apartment living, while large breeds are not. This is not always the case. Some small breeds, like the Dachshund, can have high energy levels and a propensity for vocalisation that may not be ideal for close-quarter living. 

On the contrary, certain large breeds like the Great Dane, are often more sedentary and can adjust remarkably well to smaller living spaces, provided their exercise needs …