Why are Expensive Tibetan Dogs Popular?

Strong-willed, massive, independent, and intelligent, Tibetan Mastiffs are loyal and enchanting dog companions. With their lion-like manes, heavy coats, majestic presence, and bushy tails that coil to the back, these canines have attracted the attention of dog lovers.

Originating from China and Tibet, these mastiffs are built for the harsh and cold winter. Their massive bodies have a lot of furs that protect the dog from the cold. Just the sight of this breed will make people want to hug them. Add that to their lion-like appearance; everyone knew that Tibetan mastiffs were a sight to behold.

If people a pet lover know a thing or two about this breed, they will confirm that it is considered one of the most expensive breeds in the world today. Getting one will cost buyers a leg and an arm. One puppy from a well-known breeder will set buyers back at least one …